
Moscow Domodedovo Airport is connected with Moscow by A-105 highway.
When driving via Moscow Ring Road, take Exit 25.
Distance from Moscow Ring Road to Moscow Domodedovo Airport is 24 km (45 km from Moscow Center).
Moscow Domodedovo Airport has several car parks.
Only short-term parking for passenger pickup and dropoff is allowed in front of the Terminal.
Bus drivers accompanying groups of passengers:
when entering the station square, please use the right entrance group
(the first four barriers on the right)
for passenger pickup and dropoff on the line «B»
(between 0 and 1 and the input group of the Terminal).
Traffic pattern

For easy orientation there are navigation information signs "Meeting point" (A-E traffic lanes) and "Taxi" at the Station square .

Vehicles may stop for pick-up and drop-off only and for not longer than 15 minutes.