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Control and screening

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Aviation Rules, airport visitors are screened at the entrance to the terminal. All persons and their personal belongings (belts, telephones and all metal things) are subject to inspection.

Passengers with pacemakers undergo manual (contact) screening without the use of technical and special means. Report any such restrictions to the Aviation Security Inspector at the security checkpoint.

Before boarding, all passengers are required to go through mandatory control and screening procedures to ensure flight security
and, if flying on an international flight, compliance with border crossing rules.

Taking a domestic flight?

Регистрация Багаж Предполетный досмотр

  1. Check in for the flight.
  2. Check in your baggage.
  3. Go through pre-flight security and proceed to boarding gate.

Taking an international flight?

Регистрация Багаж Предполетный досмотр Паспортный контроль Таможенный контроль

  1. Check in for the flight.
  2. Check in your baggage.
  3. Go through pre-flight security
  4. Go through customs and passport control,and proceed to boarding gate.

On the second floor of the airport, there is a single inspection center designed for passengers of international and domestic flights.

If you use an electronic boarding pass, present the QR code * on any electronic device (smartphone, tablet):
- to the transportation security officer at the entrance to the pre-flight inspection area;
- at the entrance to the customs control zone through the turnstile;
- when passing passport control to a border control officer;
- when boarding the aircraft through the turnstile, independently scan the QR code.

* Do not photograph the barcode of the electronic boarding pass from the computer screen, it will not be read a scanner.

Passengers traveling to Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan pass control on the first floor in sector B.

Traveling with plants or pets?

If you are traveling with plants or pets, you need to go through
phytosanitary or veterinary inspection before check-in.